Vídeo profissional e debatido sobre o autor literário e a literatura / Debated and professional video about the literary author and the literature / Video profesional y debatido sobre el autor literario y la literatura. Um pouco sobre as origens dos principais personagens do Universo Literário Abrangente / A little about the origins of the main characters of the Comprehensive Literary Universe / Un poco sobre los orígenes de los principales personajes del Universo literario integral. Blogs, páginas / pages / páginas, grupos / groups / grupos, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn & Pinterest: https://saviochristi.tumblr.com , https://saviochristi1.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi2.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi3.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi4.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi5.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi6.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi7.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi8.blogspot.com , https://saviochristi1.wordpress.com , https://saviochristi.medium.com , h...